More accurately they’re a high risk, moderate reward combatant whose Charge power is just as likely to get them into trouble as it is to preserve them. In game, the Vanguard is referred to as a “high risk, high reward” combatant, which, to be fair, is viewing things through rose-tinted glasses, at best. As such, any discussion of a Vanguard build should start out with Charge - it’s in large part the thing that separates the Vanguard from an Adept with a shotgun. (right) Charge ¶Ĭharge is the Vanguard’s unique, playstyle defining class power, providing them a source of offense, but perhaps more importantly, of defense and mobility, as well. (left), By restoring the Vanguard’s shields and propelling an enemy helplessly away, Charge can shift the tide of battle if your favor.
When a Vanguard’s shields are down, a retaliatory Charge becomes an appealing defensive counterstrike.